Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Jan 2024. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
Source: 2/28/25 Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of... -
Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
Source: 2/25/25 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is creating a registry for all people who are...
I noted on my calendar, concerning DOES 3 in Michigan, that all must be filed on January 23rd. I’m curious to see if, in the next few days, that holds up. Believe that was for both sides to answer each other and it would then proceed for the judge to decide if the case will go to trial or he will make a decision.
There is an outstanding documentary, OUTCRY, on Paramount Plus which solidifies how a person can be railroaded to a conviction on this type of offense. From the McMartin Case of the 1980’s to present day, an innocent person can be accused and have his life ruined. A misguided investigation, a poor criminal defense attorney, and this type of accusation being put before a jury makes it virtually impossible.
So, I am starting the New Year with a job offer – which will put me into the Sutter/Yuba county area.
I have reached out to the two departments – as I don’t know where I am going to live, yet. But asked what their processes were for registration. As I haven’t found anything online – except a blurb, that mentions sending an email to request an appointment for one of the departments.
Mendocino is relatively straight forward – you show up between certain hours on one of three days and you register.
I was curious if anyone had any info on either Sutter or Yuba county regarding the registration process?
I’m trying to remain compliant – as my registration date is fast approaching. It is anniversary time again, soon. And I would love for it to go smoothly.
I would like to give props to this forum, Janice, the moderators, and all who partake in this forum through this website. I say this because we all share information with each other that needs to be known, should be known, and otherwise just watching out for each other as people regardless of legal situations that may have pointed us to this forum.
I say that because I’ve received another scam call from an entity portraying themselves as law enforcement. We need to keep each other in mind as we watch each other’s backs wherever we are and with whatever we share. Carry on…
Since Sam Liccardo is running for congress , if you live in the district he’s going to run in, perhaps you want to drop him a line and ask him if he’s all for IML and unique identifiers on passport the same as the Hitler Loving *** of congress who passed it, of if he has a spine and will look at empirical data and the fact registered citizens already must give 21 days notice for us marshals and a**hole watch to notify destination countries registered citizens are traveling to and know when they are at the airport and flying out when they check the flight manifest. See if Sam is pro-human rights, pro-civil rights, pro-constitutional rights or if Sam, …[is] just another one of the Hitler Loving *** of congress.
Looking to discuss this with other Non-Prod CP PFRs. I’m working on a theory, and would like to bounce some ideas off your head.
The other day I was at the supermarket and a girl, around 2 years old, ambushed me. Didn’t even know she was there until she had my leg in a bear hug. That’s what got me started thinking.
Looking at this little girl I wondered, “Who could ever look at this child and want to do anything other that surround her in comfort, safety, joy and love? How could any person actually want anything but that for her? Who could ever even think of anything else but that?!?!?!?”
Then I remembered exactly why I’m a PFR. I started to remember what those pictures were… who was in them… and what was happening. I remembered that, and wondered… “how can I be the man that had thousands of those pictures, and still be the man looking at this girl and thinking those thoughts? How can I be both of those people?”
Derealization? The ability to make that which is real, not real…but, only sometimes? Under the right circumstances, anything can seem unreal, even when I know it is real? Almost as if it is a magical reality… both real and not real at the same time?
However, when confronted with the undeniably real… like that little girl hanging on to my leg… there is no magic, just a little girl that must be loved and protected from all harms?
Could that be how? Also, could that be why there are no more pictures? The spell is broken? The real world came in and destroyed the magical one? All the magic that made this pictures possible is gone, forever?
Also, could it be that outside that magical unreality…the man thinking those thoughts about that little girl is who I really am?
Is it legal for apps to post [registry] data? For example I’m noticing the Citizen app is now posting this data on their premium section and sending alerts to people in the area that there is a [person who committed a sex offense] living near by. Is this legal for them to make money off of [registry] data? Is their a way to opt out?
So a registration case was just decided in Florida were a man solicited a minor through an unreported social networking app while still on probation…
[MODERATOR’S NOTE TO EVERYONE: We appreciate the news article links that people are submitting. They help expand awareness of what is happening.
However, we have received a number of articles from people that violate the guidelines listed above the comment submission form. In particular, we have received a number of arrest and charge articles. As per guidelines, we no longer post articles or comments having to do with arrests and charges. We will consider articles about convictions.
TO speed up our editorial process, we ask everyone to submit articles not through the comments but instead by clicking the CONTACT link in our website menu, then click on the Submit News Articles link.
Thank you for helping us in the fight for justice]
I have just found your website and am hopeful you may be able to direct me in getting information. My brother is currently incarcerated under the 3 strikes law with the 3rd strike being auto theft back in 1998. He has two prior sex offense on his record from his teens and very young adult. He is currently 60 yrs old. The being said he has been rejected by the board again due to his “lack” of educational courses although he has done every course he could find. He has asked me to try to find any educational material to send to him. I can say he is highly aware of his past regressions and offenses and only wants to do the right thing. If anyone has any resources on parole accepted educational materials that inmates can complete I would be forever grateful.
Reading an article. Says Attorney General defines sex trafficking as labor trafficking, sex trafficking and human smuggling. My first question is this my Texas state attorney general or the federal attorney general. My next question is why is LE combining three types of crimes into one crime of sex trafficking for statistical purposes? Is the goal to make the sex trafficking numbers appear far higher than actual so they can more easily ask congress for more money?
Anyone else having trouble getting their names removed from Google search results after getting off the registry? I have been off the registry since September 2022 and my name STILL comes up, as the first result, to a page that no longer exists on Home Facts.
Unfortunately, I just assumed that they would remove it a year-and-a-half ago when I first filed a complaint and forgot to check again until a month or so ago. Went through the whole “am I doing this right”? procedures, again, and it’s still up there. Do I really have to take them to court? They’re quite impossible to get a hold of. There’s no public phone number that can get through.